A Brain Trap
By Jane (Adceásian)
Staying the same and clutching to what is familiar is a Brain Trap. It is a way the egoic human holds on to the past. The brain is a tool for the human; it is the computer of a human’s mental storage, actions and memories.
The brain, who acts like a lazy secretary who is just waiting for some, any human direction. It feels like it knows what is best for you and your decisions. After all, we are taught that the brain is what needs developing.
The brain likes to default to the past and to making decisions based on what it remembers. The most common phrase I have witnessed when relying on the brain is “What if?” It can feel scary and definitely uncertain to view your future and your potential when beginning from a state of the past. After all, “what if” it doesn’t work?
As humans many of us tend to sort out our “what if’s” into categories of regret and harm-filled possibilities based on disappointments from past experiences.
Perhaps the better action might be “What if” this time I am led into a state of wonder and amazement.
“What if” by following my heart and following my own inner knowing’s the outcome is like stepping into sunshine.
“What if” I listened to that inner voice, identified by some as intuition, others call it Soul wisdom. I call it Soul Speaking to me. This is when I stop and before I act, take the time to listen to what is in right order for me, not listening to my egoic- human brain trap. Sometimes this can take place in a second; other times it can be hours, even longer depending on how loud the egoic-human is and if I am willing to truly stop and listen from within.
“What if” this holiday season my present to myself is to presence myself as who I truly am?
“What if” this season I remember myself as the Energetic Co-creator Being and listen to what is true for me.
“What if” this was Creator God's message all along; to Love myself, as the amazing and truly blessed Co-creator Being with the Divine. To remember who I am and always have been. I simply forgot for a short time.
“What if” for Christmas I embodied my presence and gifted myself with the gift of Me and Self Love, Wisdom and Joy. Soul’s wisdom.
“What if” instead of falling into the brain trap, I wrap myself in my love and joy and in my wisdom lift my Self.
“What if” I presence myself and celebrate the gift of Divine Love, Divine Wisdom and experience the Joy who I am; the original message of the Divine.
“What if” you did this for yourself and celebrated your Holiday for the greatness of who you are?
Just imagine That!
Language of Love
By Jane (Adceásian)
My first thought regarding Love and Love’s language is how different and unique the words attached to this energy can be for each person. Yet is that really the language of LOVE? Can Love’s energy really be spoken through words created by humans?
In the diversity we are familiar with on planet Earth each human within their culture, their ethnicity, define this great energy based on their understanding of love, and it’s always in relation to an individual’s identification and education by other humans. “If ‘it’ is like ‘this,’ then it is love, if not it could be a fantasy, lust or a host of other expressions.”
What I know of Love is that it always begins with our creation from the Godhead, God, Allah, Prime Source; choose the name that is familiar for you. He/She is all the same energy and cares not how this Magnificence is labeled. This is the energy that all Living Beings are created; it is Divine Love, Compassion, (Wisdom) and Joy. We each are gifted with the ability to create whatever is our choice and we are gifted with the free will to do so.
The Holy Trinity of Our Creator is Divine Love, Divine Compassion and Divine Joy. The Holy Spirit is always alive. This is the Breath of God in everything, the grasses, the trees, the waters, the wind, our beloved Gaia (Earth) and all Orbs. The Holy Spirit, the Love, Wisdom and Soul’s Joy is the Breath in every expression of life.
I also know that the very first recognition of Divine Love, not the emotions created by and for humans to attach, was the very instant that Soul was created it was at the beginning of each living Being. So powerful and extraordinary is this energy that by design we are Energic Co-Creator Beings with the One who created us. This is the true Language of Love with Compassion, (Wisdom) and Joy. The Joy of creation, free will and expression. The very fact that each Soul is a powerful Co-creator is true collaboration.
As humans we have not been taught this, we have been taught that we are less than powerful, less than perfect, less than those who deemed themselves to be greater than others. As humans most (I’m sure it is most) of us bought into the idea that we were less than, I know that I did for much of my life! And yet we each were created to be the Co-workers with the Divine!
And now this is changing with the new world being formed. We now have the opportunity with each breath, each word and each act to live our potential. We are now in the early stages of a new world of Love, Wisdom and Joy. A world where the true Language of Love is lived and shared with our fellow humans. We have the opportunity to remember our own greatness, our own divinity, we now can open ourselves to remember our Joy, our Wisdom, our Love, our real Self… Soul. We can live the Language of Love through our choices and our choices will define whether we actually know the Language of Love or if we would rather live in the past as an egoic human in a world of harm, fear and power over another fellow being. We have choices every moment of every day and the only one who can decide whether living the Language of Love is for you, is YOU! It is through gentle step-by-step and moment-by-moment choices.
A Practice:
One way to begin is with your intension. Connect to your heart, the foundation for everything, and gently remember to Love yourself.
Feel what it is like to experience the Love of You. Embody these feelings and allow the feelings of Love to flow throughout your form; from the tips of your toes to the top of your head, allow this Divine energy to fill your form; feel and know the difference. Be patient with yourself and gently, gradually expand this powerful energy. This can be accomplished in your timing. You will know what is right for you.
Remember that we are all walking the same pathway back Home to Our Self. There is no right or wrong, only choice.
We are all choice-by-choice remembering who we are as Divine Energetic Beings and Co-Creators with the Divine and the Language of Love.
Our Dissolving Past
By Jane (Adceásian)
It all began over 20,000 plus years ago with our agreements. We buried Soul’s wisdom deep within and agreed to the human experience with the Others to live in a world of duality. Each of us chose these experiences to learn and un-derstand what it is like to live apart from Soul’s Wisdom, Creativity and Divine Love.
The Others are souls who chose to thrive on power over another, engage in harm of all kinds, to deem who was more deserving of things, possessions and power. It was the induction of fear within each human’s experience. The more fear and harm each human experienced, the more powerful some became and the more they felt deserving of titles, positions, and the greed of having more became insatiable. This went on in myriads of life’s experiences and lasted until 12/31/2011, when the Godhead and the Council of 12 who are responsible for this universe had decreed it was time for The Plan to be enacted. This shift took place along with the love and service of many highly evolved Beings, Masters, who had been engaged with this Plan for eons and eons. The miracle included no harm to any living being and all were transported safely with the greatest of love, caring and wisdom.
The Plan is the creation of a new world. This world is one of Love, Compassion (wisdom) and Joy. This new world is what each of us, who choose to, are creating moment by moment, thought by thought and action by action. This is the world of Peace that has been longed for and asked for over the millennium.
Today’s world feels like a life of chaos for many. We are currently bearing witness to the dissolution of harm, greed and the power over our fellow beings in every form imaginable. We watch it on the nightly news and listen to the voices of those who are in the throes of change. We watch our government leaders fight for a power that will no longer exist in the new world. Yet all is accomplished in Divine Right Order and for the highest good for each living being. Human forms leave, yet no Soul is harmed.
We view our neighbors, friends and loved ones as they fight to save their homes and communities from the natural vicissitudes of Gaia’s process of evolution as She herself evolves into her next experience and provides guidance and assistance to leaders helping to create this new world. The numbers of Great Masters and Highly Evolved Souls shar-ing and leading us through this evolution is beyond my expression.
Fear and more are all being dissolved in ways that we cannot understand from our brains. Yet we attempt to label it based on past references and experiences that do not fit because this has never been done before in the cosmos. We have no reference in our Soul libraries, we must create this new world step by gentle step and breath by breath.
The human brain does not have the capacity to know or understand, it is impossible; yet we as evolutionary beings, Co-creators with the Divine, as Souls coming home to our Self can know in an instant when we stop, breathe and as Soul connect to our heart. When we connect within to our love and listen to Soul’s wisdom, we know. All of the wis-dom is here for each of us when we let go of the human condition and take a step back from the human thought pro-cesses and trust our Self. Our True Self. Once we do this, the fear dissolves, even if only for a moment and the more we practice this, the greater our remembering of who we are and the easier it becomes to listen to our own Self-Mastery, the assistance and wisdom of our Soul Families who are always with us and other great Masters along with the great Godhead Master Beings who have never left but are always here to assist each of us when invited.
Please feel welcome to visit Https://eroscommunity.blogspot.com for Love of God’s Truth
Love Vs Love
By Jane (Adceásian)
The one energy humanity has longed for over the last 20,000 plus years was love; love of another human, love of a family, love of a career or job, some way to know that we were accepted and loved for who we are, not who another person could alter, reshape or fix. Each person wanted a love that was what humans refer to as unconditional. Some call this their soul mate where each is believed to be unreservedly loved. A few even felt as though they had found this. Yet I ask, what did each person give up, release or set aside of themself to retain this love relationship? If you are radically honest, was this truly what you might identify as unconditional?
On a dual world where each of us chose to incarnate for the experience of lack, limit, fear, harm and power; love that is unconditional is impossible. We have hot/cold, love/hate, good/bad, right/wrong, etc. It is the nature of dual experiences. So having a love that is without condition simply does not exist within a dual world. What does exist is the human experience of love that has all kinds of conditions attached to it.
In a dual world we hope to find someone or sometimes multiple people who come as close as possible to matching our human beliefs and ways of living. When we are fortunate enough to discover our match, we identify this as love. This person generally likes the same things and his or her core ideals fall into alignment with ours. The closer these beliefs are held within our heart, the deeper our connection with that person and the more we consider that person to be our soulmate or our divine compliment.
Sometimes we are with a compliment until our actions and beliefs change and the one-time compliment no longer is a match. This can be because we have outgrown them, or they have outgrown us spiritually and they were in our life as a stimulus for growth. This is an experience that we chose for our self before incarnation and the gifts received from each one are priceless. There is no such thing as a victim, only a choice in our personal evolution. Each of us chose to experience the pain, harm and fears of a dual world before incarnation so that we can then remember who we are as soul and remember each individual as an energetic, Co-creator being with the Divine. The more that we remember who we are, the less fear can affect our life. Fear is never real; only love and compassion along with your expression of joy is truth.
It is only our habitual ways and patterns of the past holding us hostage to the memories and the fears. You have the right to embrace a love that is real. A love that is always within each of us for it is who we are. You and I were made of this great love upon our birth as Soul and we are perfect.
On all worlds from the fifth domain and above there is no harm, no fear and no love that is conditional. It is impossible for within all of the non-dual worlds, there is no human emotional love, only Divine Love, Compassion (wisdom) and Joy for these are the energies which all life is created.
Divine Love has no exceptions, no need to alter or fix as Divine Love is perfect; just as each Soul is created from perfect Love. All life in the cosmos is lived in peace, harmony and joy; there is no other way, it is not possible. This is the unconditional love that humans have yearned for, and it begins with the love of the Self. This is the way of Soul and Divine Love.
Please feel welcome to contact me at info@TheBusinessConnection.com so that together we can help you remember who you are and to come home to yourself as Soul.
Our Time is Now
By Jane (Adceásian)
Last week I spoke of Remembering and how as Divine Co-Creator Beings we all are unique and powerful co-workers with the Divine.
As I witness the world dissolving in its old ways, I also recognize that today is our time of wonder and unprecedented opportunity to create what has never before been created in the Cosmos.
Yes, the Godhead, the Godhead Council of Twelve and multiple other high domain masters lifted the third domain into the fifth on 12/31/2011, and yes many of us were present and assisted in this never before anywhere in the Cosmos event and yes it was completed.
If you choose to remember and verify my knowing, please go into stillness and into contemplation and ask your Divine Soul Family or guides as you may refer to them to show you so that you will know for yourself. This is the only true way. You as Soul have the right to know truth and only Soul will provide this for you, not someone else’s story; I can share my truth, but only you will know for yourself when you ask. I encourage you to do so.
Now is our time to practice the caring and sharing that is a way of life in the new world of Love that exists on Earth now. No longer is life ruled by those with their egoic-human need for power over another. Oh, we witness daily how power is fought for with multiple untruths coming from all corners of the globe. The more they fight for power and control the less successful it is. It is impossible as this way of life must dissolve, and it is only held in its weakening position by our thoughts, memories and fear of change. We can’t fix it; it no longer exists. Only our habitual patterns, fears and behaviors hold this in place, UNTIL WE DON’T. It truly is that simple.
Now the propensity for caring for our fellow humans is growing. We can witness it moment by moment when we look for it. I notice how communities in different parts of the world are providing huge community gardens so that all who need food are equally supplied. The center divides on main streets have fruit and apple trees planted so that the homeless can have food. It also helps with the air quality and greenhouse gases. This is accomplished by each person contributing what they are able however that is. Never any judgment simply a coming together for the benefit of all life. Food is not thrown away, but provided to multiple facilities where those less fortunate can eat well and healthfully.
There are scientists around the world creating new and better ways to clean the oceans and waterways of the pollution. Everyday citizens are walking the beaches and collecting garbage and plastic so that animals, birds and people are not harmed. Fishermen cut their nets away from dolphins and whales. Neighborhood libraries are created so that everyone has the chance to read if they choose. The number of ways that everyday citizens are caring for the world around us never ceases to amaze me.
These are some of the ways of the new world. Everyone cares for the benefit of everyone and everything; this is Divine Love in action. It doesn’t take place through large meetings and governments making decisions for the multitudes, it takes place heart to heart, beacons of Light to other beacons of Light waking up and noticing how effortlessly change takes place; one Soul choice at a time. One heartfelt deed with no expectation of return; it is simply an act of Divine Love for another. We are all a part of the Great Oneness and Love is the foundation of all life.
Please feel welcome to contact me so that together we can help you remember who you are and to come home to yourself as Soul.
You may email me @ info@TheBusinessConnection. com. You initial session is Free. Together we can decide if this is right for you.
By Jane (Adceásian)
I am sitting in my home office in a state of wonder as I remember more and more of my life as Soul. I’m remembering who I am, what I know, and the roles that I play in the Cosmos as an Energetic Being, a Co-Creator with the Divine.
We all are energetic beings and co-workers with the Divine; it is simply that we chose to come into a dual world. We chose to incarnate into a dual world of forgetfulness, fear and harm, the only place where the veil of forgetfulness exists so that we could have the opportunity to experience a world so different from anywhere we live in the cosmos. And now that veil is lifted. Now the new world of Love is present. You can feel it, you can hear it if you listen, and through the eyes of soul you can witness it across the globe. The 3rd domain of fear and more was lifted into the 5th Domain of Love on 12-31-11 by the Godhead Council of Twelve who are responsible for this universe, solar system and Earth along with other great Masters. Only our memories remain, until we each choose love and peace.
We have the opportunity to remember who we are as Soul and our Divinity. What an experience it is to remember step by gentle step our true Self, and then to share the wonders, the love, the wisdom and the joy with our fellow Beings. This is our time to come home to our Self, to choose Soul.
At this time the new world of Love that is here is enlivened by each of us who chose to remember our True Self, not the illusion we have lived as an egoic-human, but how we innately live as Soul.
I remember being a teacher of Soul Truths in multiple lifetimes. I remember working with the animals both large and small. I remember traveling from community to community in multiple dimensions and on each dimension there are enlightened beings sharing their compassion, their joy and innately their love.
Each soul, no matter who you are or where you reside has the choice to expand in their knowledge and their role in the Divine Plan. Each of us has the opportunity by our individual choices to make this world a better place breath by breath and moment by moment. What a gift!
I sometimes forget in this dissolving world of harm and more, that all we have is the moment. I, like others, can get caught up in believing that the physical world is the true world and competing against ourselves and each other is how all life is. And then I STOP! I breathe. I connect to soul in my heart and listen to Soul’s voice. And I remember who I am as a Divine Being and the world stops spinning, the need to fix any part of my world begins to dissolve and once again moment-by-moment I remember. I am the Master of my Life, my choices, and my universe. I am the chooser.
As an Energetic Being and Co-Creator with the Divine, I have the privilege of helping to shape the new world of love. To help with the new communities in sharing, teaching and exploring deeper who we are as Divine Beings and our Divine Rights. Together we can remember who each is as Soul and your Divine role in The Plan, in this new world of Love, Compassion, Joy and Peace.
Please feel welcome to contact me via email so that together we can help you remember who you are and to come home to yourself as Soul. Please email me at info@TheBusinessConnction.com
Your introductory session is free. Together we can decide if this is the right choice for you.
The Gift of Your Attention
By Jane (Adceásian)
Over my lifetime I have noticed how humans offer their attention on a part time basis. Perhaps I have witnessed this because I too have been a product of poor attention at times.
I watch as people speak their truth, many times directly from the heart and those who are the recipients of their heartfelt wisdom are far too busy listening to their own voice in their heads eagerly awaiting their time to speak to actually hear what truths Soul had to share.
People do not always intend to be less attentive; it is simply the human way of feeling that “what I have to say is more important, more valuable and possibly more accurate that what I am hearing from you.” Surely this is a largely egoic-human way of projecting their importance.
I know a young man who since he was in high school believes that he is the smartest person in the room. He is now in his twenties and even with a job that requires serious attention to detail as the lives of others could be at risk if he is mistaken, he continues to challenge authority and the wisdom of those who are his superiors both in age, experience, and position. This has over time caused him to lose roles with greater responsibility as well as a higher salary. And yet, it is always someone else’s fault that he has not progressed in his career.
I share this short example to bring attention to how as humans we can get caught up in our own self-importance. I am sure that each of us has our own stories and our own examples of self-projection and poor attention to a fellow Soul.
This is the way it was ingrained in us over 20K years ago when as Souls we accepted that humans were more powerful, wiser, and deserved more of everything. Humans chose to believe that they knew more than their Creator; the One who created each Soul to have Fee Will and Choice without judgment. The Energy who created us as Energetic Beings and Co-Creators with the Divine. No Soul was created greater than another, no matter their level of attainment.
Humans chose to have a myriad experiences over the next 20K years of learning how to be separate from the Self… Soul. We created worlds and lifetimes of learning about fear; we chose to understand what it is like to be in harm’s way whether through times of limitation, lack or physical danger. Each of these was our individual choice to experience what it is to be in separation from Soul.
It was then that we learned how to restrict our attention from another’s wisdom or how to value our own words and experiences as more treasured than our fellow Soul. We distanced ourselves through a lack of respect. We learned feelings of greater self-importance and a higher value, many times via the role of low self-esteem; another avenue of lack, limitation and harm shared by so many.
This my brothers and sisters is not who we are, and it is time to remember ourselves as the Divine Co-creator Energetic Beings we were birthed to be. It is time to live in the new world of Love that is now on our beloved Gaia. By each one’s individual choice can we uplift one another, embrace ourselves as Soul and live the life of Freedom created for us upon our Birth from the Godhead so many billions of years ago.
We can welcome ourselves Home!
Please feel welcome to contact me via email @ info@TheBusinessConnection.com so that together we can help you remember who you are and to come home to yourself as Soul.
Your introductory session is free. Together we can decide if this is the right choice for you.
The Jewel
By Jane (Adceásian)
When birthed from the Godhead each arrived as a precious jewel. This Jewel contains your gifts, your talents, your joy, and this Jewel is You, Soul. Each has their unique geometric (shape) each has its own tone (sound) and each its perfect color.
Some may be rubies, others emeralds or diamonds or amethyst or any of the myriad of choices; no choice is better than another, each is unique and perfect as it is. You are perfect as you are.
As this precious Jewel, you have the choice to become whatever and whomever you choose as the two gifts for this precious Jewel are Free Will and Choice. These talents, these gifts that you possess are your very own way of expressing your wisdom and your joy.
You are God’s Jewel and over the billions of years each of us has been honing, shaping, and polishing this Jewel, Soul. Each must discern for themselves what and how to express the Self. How will I use my Free Will? Where or how will I manifest my Wisdom (Compassion)? How will I share my Joy?
I know from many years of experience that the only true way to discern for oneself is to go within your heart where Love lives and evolves. Notice, in your quietness, your Jewel and gently with your intention... is it shining? Has it evolved? What does your Jewel look like, what are the sounds, can you hear Soul’s voice? How is Soul feeling? Are you in alignment with YourSelf, and embracing the new world of Love or are you caught up in the dissolving world of harm and fear? There is never any judgment simply a noticing from the Self.
Are you moving forward in your evolution or are you complacent on the wheel of repetition. Remember the saying, “if you do not like what you are doing, do something different.”
We are all precious Jewels of the Godhead, and it is our choice what we do with our gifts and talents. Celebrate yourself. Express your Joy. You do make a difference! You are God’s Jewel created in perfection.
Email me @ info@TheBusinessConnection.com
Your introductory session is free. Together we can decide if this is the right choice for you.
Your Light IS Your Journey!
By Jane (Adceásian)
It can be like standing on a hillside, looking over the city at night, there are thousands of lights; so different, multi-colored and each light has its own radiance. This is also the journey of Soul.
I quietly observe humanity in the grocery store, at different gatherings, and everywhere I go, I recognize them as great Beacons of Light. While not everyone is aware of their radiance, nevertheless it is always there.
Some of the lights are dimer than others. They may have a tragedy in their life; a family member in some degree of trouble, a friend with an illness or a senior who is having a difficult time making ends meet due to the cost of goods and living expenses, either way our moment-by-moment choices allow our light to shine to whatever degree we allow. The less fear and doubt we allow, the greater is our radiance. Soul knows no fear, it is impossible as fear is a part of the human experience.
I live in a small neighborhood where over the years we have formed a community of caring. It wasn’t by holding meetings and making decisions, it was a natural evolution over months and years as people opened their hearts and their Soul Lights became more like the radiance of the city lights I witnessed. No one really spoke about it; this was a gentle step-by-step evolution of souls awakening to the gentleness and caring of another human.
During the Covid pandemic some of the neighbors who were younger called the senior members of the community and offered to pick up groceries for them so that the seniors did not have to be exposed to Covid. During the December holidays some of the neighbors who love to bake show up at a neighbor’s home with beautiful assortments of baked goods. There is a greater sharing between fellow Beacons of Light. These are all spontaneous and deliberate acts of love. Acts of sharing how effortless it is to be in community with people who you have never met; and may not have anything in common, yet we all share the same experience called life. No one asks what religion you are, whether you are a republican or democrat or if you are gay or straight. What is important is the we are all having a human experience in a dissolving world of fear, harm, and those who want power over their fellow humans.
Recently two of the community members are coming together and inviting the other community households to create a community garden. While this is a community of townhomes and no real yard space, we have come to a solution for planters and pots. None of us are true gardeners we understand that each one has their own wisdom, their own knowing and that when put together we can create something beautiful for all to benefit. Some will know how to grow tomatoes, others zucchini or strawberries, others know nothing of growing vegetables but are willing to learn. Still others because of age or disabilities have offered to pay for some of the necessary items. Together and over time we will have a garden that will feed the small community of neighbors.
What is so amazing about this is to bear witness as Soul Lights begin to shine, love is opening hearts and minds and people do not have to feel alone or left out in these times of chaos and dissolving fear. The greater the Light, the smaller the fear, the more one opens their heart, the greater their love can be the decision maker. We have our Divine Right to shine our Light and our Free Will to choose our Divine Love to be our Beacon.
As always, “Your Light IS Your Journey!”
Love is in the Details
By Jane (Adceásian)
I have been considering my habits and patterns lately and I know that what is true for me as a human, is true for others as well. After all we all are a part of the Great Oneness of Life.
Consider for a moment your habits and patterns. As you give thought you may notice that you have been doing the same habit for a while. As you reflect on this you notice that it is time for a change, it is time to do something different. Your feelings, your emotions, are gently speaking to you, you know that what you have been doing no longer works. It no longer feels like the right choice. These feelings may be with you for a while, perhaps a week, a month, or for me, sometimes even years! I have noticed that humans do not like change!
These feelings that you embody begin in your heart, because that is where love first begins for each of us. The feelings of love are where our first step in change takes place. I know that for me, [this one] can reside in my heart for some time before I choose the next step. The feelings of a need to change do not go away and this brings us to our next step in the process of making a change.
Once we hold the feelings, the love for a need to do something different, the next step is to think about the possibilities. What change might look like, what it may feel like if we make a new choice; for many of us we can hear change before any steps are taken. This again may take days, weeks, even years for some before a new choice is made. Once the two come together and are aligned within the body, the next step is to act.
I have noticed that for me, when I make the choice to do something different there can be a feeling of excitement (Joy.) Sometimes I think it might be fear, but fear is simply a human reaction. When the choice comes from Love and Soul Wisdom the feelings are always feelings of Love and Joy. Soul knows no such state as fear, it simply does not exist; it is impossible. For me, there can be a feeling of “rightness” or something similar.
The final step in the process of making a change is of course to act. Everything that has taken place in this process of change begins with a state of Love. It is also true that every step is created from the details; the layers, the levels of choice, the nuances are all pieces of the Divine Love, the Divine Wisdom (Compassion) and the Divine Joy which each of us is created.
For any action to take place, we first must feel the love, then engage our compassion, and finally our joy is our commitment to our choice. The result of each of our choices is our effect. Everything that I do, that you do, is a combination of the above and all is gifted to us because we each have Free Will and Choice. So, my friends, if you do not like what you are doing, connect to your heart, your Love and together with your Compassion (Wisdom) you have the free will to make a different choice and experience your Joy.
Remember Love is in the details and you, along with the Divine are the Co-Creator of your choices.
Please feel welcome to contact me via email so that together we can help you remember who you are and to come home to yourself as Soul. Please email me at info@TheBusinessConnection.com
Your introductory session is free. Together we can decide if this is the right choice for you.
You are a Powerful Co-creator Being with the Divine
By Jane (Adceásian)
I remember choosing to incarnate at this time in my Soul's evolution so that I could share in the creation of the New World. The Plan: The Plan of the Godhead (God), Godhead Master’s who are in charge of this universe, and Advanced Master Souls.
The Plan is for souls to build a new world of Love, (Compassion) Wisdom and Joy. This world is known by me and others Master Souls as the 5th Domain. This world is being created by each soul's choice moment by moment. As you choose ways of caring, kindness and sharing with one another, the old ways of harm, fear and more are dissolving.
You can watch this take place and you can bear witness to the dissolution every day via the local, national, and global news on your TV. We all share in the hurt and another’s pain daily as more mass shootings and people’s fears run rampant.
In today's world it is important to share your kindness and love of your fellow humans. These are your moment-by-moment choices. Your choices become the building blocks for the new world of Love, Compassion and Joy that we are now building.
One way in which I can share how my love and joy benefits others is through one-on-one Spiritual Coaching.
Assisting my fellow beings to uncover their fears, understand their human beliefs that hold them back and offer tools to assist them in their journey Home to Self is my Joy.
E-mail me today for your free introductory session and together we can decide if this is a right fit for you.
Email: info@TheBusinessConnection.com
Dissolving What No Longer Works
By Jane (Adceásian)
I spent a great deal of my life believing that I was not worthy of the good things in life: an education, a rewarding career, or a family that I loved and that loved me in return.
My mother taught me from little on that I was worthless, that I was not smart, and that I would never amount to anything. This montage was repeated so often, that it became embedded in my psyche.
No matter what I did, where I went or who I counseled with over the years, these old and damaging beliefs and habits clung to me; it became my identity for much of my life.
The results of these damaging beliefs create the tapestry by which you live your life, and all my choices became colored by the limitations and false narratives that I chose to take on as my own.
I know of others who have succumb to the same or similar fears and habits that continue to hold them hostage with unconscious or conscious limitations and habitual actions that keep them from their true Self; the powerful co-creator beings that each of us is.
I can spend my life blaming my mother, educators and even former friends for the “damage” or I can as Soul realize that all my experiences were my choices. I came in with certain lessons and experiences that I wanted to have so that I could understand to my greatest knowing what it is like to live in a world driven by fears, harm to self and others and the societal need to have increasingly more of everything. Do you recall the expression; “the one with the most toys wins?” This is a perfect example of why so many people feel that they are not worthy.
I know that I was not alone with these destructive beliefs and habits. I also know with certainty that I was never the only one who has lived with low self-esteem. The feelings of being less than my brothers and sisters can sometimes feel universal, and this is the way those who choose to have power over another want you to feel!
Too many of us continue to keep ourselves small and feeling unimportant, it doesn’t have to remain this way. You are a powerful evolutionary soul and a co-creator with the Divine. It’s time to remember and to claim your Divine Birth Right.
I am here to tell you that those days of harm, fear and more are dissolving rapidly and each of us by our free will and choice are making a difference. We are creating the new world of Love, Compassion and Joy with each breath, each thought, and each deed. I am here to be of service, to help you align with your Self as Soul and to remember that you are a powerful Co-creator Being with the Divine. Everything that you do is your choice, just as is mine.
Please feel welcome to contact me via email so that together we can help you remember who you are and to come home to yourself as Soul.
Please email me at cundyjf@gmail.com
Your introductory session is free. Together we can decide if this is the right choice for you.
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